For the longest time, I believed that I only could rely on myself and my own strength to build my dreams and accomplish my goals. I was wrong! I was tired of being called a "Strong Independent Woman". I was tired of always doing it by myself. I was tired of making it work when I had nothing to work with. I was tired of being taken for granted.
I was tired of living a fragmented life. I was tired of not being whole. I was tired of everyone always thinking I was "ok" when I was living in high-functioning anxiety while holding on to past pain. I was tired of being "Strong". But it was the only way I knew to be seen and respected.
I was facing a dilemma, A Strong Woman's Dilemma and it was time to Shift. It wasn't until I Shifted my thought process in personal and professional relationships, that I allowed others to come into my space without feeling challenged, or experiencing my need to be in control and guarded, and the need to always be right. When I surrendered and promised myself to move fearlessly, embrace interdependence/collaboration, and learn to release past pain in my personal and professional life...THE GAME CHANGED.
Join me and learn how to regain yourself, regain your power, connect deeply with others through thoughtful communication, and move unapologetically to achieve new levels of success, connection, intimacy, and peace in all areas of your life.

A situation in which strong, independent women face the challenge of balancing their strength with vulnerability and embracing their multifaceted nature.
Example: In everyday life, the Strong Woman's Dilemma can be seen when a successful career-driven woman feels conflicted about showing vulnerability or asking for help in personal relationships. She wants to be strong and independent but also longs to feel emotionally supported and connected with others. Balancing these aspects can be a dilemma for her as she navigates through life's challenges and experiences.
Course Continuum: AT A GLANCE

Disconnected with self
Module 1.0

Module 2.0
Internal Release & Repair

Module 3.0
Reconnection with Whole Self